Kelsey weighs 32 lbs and is 36” tall. She wears mostly size 3 clothes and size 7 shoes.
Her favourite color is blue.
She loves music and dancing and I think she will become a very good dancer.
She loves playing with Disney Princess Barbies and PolyPockets. She’s not very interested in dolls. She likes playing doctor. Once in a while she will play Little People. Sometimes she plays on her own, but she usually wants mom and/or dad to play with her. She loves playing dress up with the clothes cousin Sophie gave her.
She loves having stories read to her and will request the same story over and over. We read Disney Princess stories (Cinderella, The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, and Snow White), animal stories, Dora stories and the odd Robert Munch. After hearing a story a couple times, she can repeat it almost word for word. We read stories every might before bed.
Her favourite TV shoes are The Wiggles, Dora or Sesame Street. Her favourite movies are The Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast and Beethovan (about a dog). She has also watched The Bee Movie, Tinkerbell, Finding Nemo, and Barbie.
She enjoys going to school (she started Pre-School at Fraser Heights Recreation Centre in September 2010), to dance classes and to the Tot Gym. She also likes picnics in the park and playgrounds.
She is very social, playing OK with some kids (i.e. Evelyn and Nadine, Nicole’s twins), but not very good with others (i.e. Colin, Dennis and Kyla’s son). Sharing toys and waiting her turn can be a problem. She likes playing with older kids more than kids her own age.
Her favourite foods are spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, sushi (California rolls) and ice-cream. She likes fruit. Her favourites are strawberries and grapes. She likes milk, cheese, eggs, and yogurt. She really likes peanut butter and honey sandwiches. If we eat at a fast food restaurant she wants chicken nuggets and chocolate milk. She doesn’t like fries much.
She is very independent and head-strong. She wants to do everything herself and can be very argumentative and bossy. She’s very smart, high energy, imaginative and loving. She’s a bit of a dare-devil, doesn’t fear much and likes to test boundaries. She’s beautiful, fun and happy; however has been known to have major tantrums if things don’t go her way. She loves to pretend she’s a teacher. It’ll be interesting to see if this is the career path she chooses later in life.
Just prior to her 3rd birthday she:
* Gave up her soother (sooie)
* Gave up having naps.
* Moved from a toddler bed into a twin bed.
* Started using the potty during the day (as of her 3rd Birthday she is not night-time trained)* Started Pre-School 2x a week for 2 ½ hours.
She can count to 20, sing her ABC’s, recognize letters and numbers (especially letters in her name). She can spell her name and knows when her birthday is. Thanks to Dora the Explorer, she can also count to 10 in Spanish. She can sing many songs and recite many nursery rhymes, some quite complicated. We are working on learning the days of the week and months of the year. She has very little concept of time.
She is very well spoken, but still replaces “th” sounds with “f” (i.e. baff for bath) and sometimes drops the “h” in words (i.e. otel for hotel). She will say “her is going to the store” and “are going to play games” rather than “we are going to play games.”

Kelsey at 3 years old!