Thursday, June 17, 2010

4 weeks old already

Well, they say time flies, especially when you're in survival mode. Life at the Cressey house is certainly busy. Time for sitting still and sleeping well has gone with the arrival of our new bundle of joy.

Everly still sleeps for much of the time, but over the last week, she has become more alert and is staying awake for longer periods of time frequently throughout the day. She is still fussy between 9PM-12AM, and although I was quick to lable her colicy, I think it's just her fussy time. Some evenings are worse than others, and we definately get frustrated (this is supposed to be our time to sit and relax :)). But when we stop to think about it, things could be worse.

She enjoys being held and cuddled (and lets you know she doesn't want to be alone when you try to put her down) and she still won't settle in her bassinet at night. So, Jim's still on the couch and I'm in the bed with Everly. As much as I didn't want to do this (and feel bad for Jim), the more I talk to people, this seems to be a common survival tactic for many moms (especially moms of 2 kids). In a few more weeks, we'll start letting her cry more and see if we can't get her into her own room.

I am breastfeeding and doing so every 2-3 hours. We do have her on the bottle as well so Jim is able to feed her when I'm teaching dance. She took to it nicely and it hasn't messed with her breastfeeding. We're still working out the feeding kinks (like latching and engorgement), but I seem to remember this took a while with Kelsey as well.

She is definately putting on weight (she weighed 9 lbs 8 oz over a week ago). She's aquired a double chin and her arms and legs are chunking up! She's starting to look like a baby and is definately getting more cute. She still resembles Kelsey quite closely when she was a newborn. It'll be interesting to see how similar they look in a couple months.

I will be happy when we get into some sort of routine (if there is such a thing). I still feel like everything is brand new and I'm constantly questioning everything. But nonetheless, we're happy and healthy and livin' life!

Everly at 4 weeks

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