Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Everly at 2 months

Everly at 2 months (photo by Jerusha Chong)

The last 2 months have certainly been a whirl-wind and have been tough, but enjoyable for the entire family. At 2 months Everly weighs 12 lbs 6 oz. She gotten very tubby and has many rolls and dimples all over. She is strong and holds her head up when she's looking over a shoulder or placed on her tummy. Her arms and legs are constantly moving. She can follow us with her eyes and smiles big toothless grins when someone speaks to her. She has also started looking and smiling at toys. I'm doing a combination of breastfeeding and bottle feeding (with breast milk). She has had some problems nursing and some gas/reflux issues. I find she eats better from a bottle (less gas), but want to keep up with the breastfeeding in hopes we'll get better at it. At 8 weeks, we propped one end of her crib up (assuming she had some sort of reflux) and she took to it immediately and is no longer in my bed. She goes to bed about 11 PM and wakes to feed about 3-4 AM, then about about 6-7AM. During the day she still feeds ever 2-4 hours. She's awake most of the time now, although some days there are still exdended naps. She's a good baby, but not as content as Kelsey was to sit and observe the world around her. She's still happiest when she's held, but enjoys her swing and is starting to take to her bouncy chair.

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