Monday, May 4, 2009

Kelsey at One Year Old

I wrote a "Kelsey at one year" document around Kelsey's first birthday to include in her baby book. I wanted to remember what she ate, her favorite toys, how many teeth she had, etc. Everything was changing so fast, and I found I was forgetting things that she did and said even the previous week.

This is what I wrote:

Kelsey at One Year!

22 lbs
28 inches
size 3 shoes
wears 12 month and 12-18 month clothes
hair is strawberry blond
eyes are big and bluish grey.

4 on the bottom, 3 on top with the 4th just pushing through the gums.

Started off as a good eater. Introduced rice cereal at 5 months, solids at 6 months. Ate everything we tried. Things started to get more difficult at 8 months. One day she liked something, the next day she didn’t. If she doesn’t like it she pulls it off her tongue and throws it on the floor, will try to knock the spoon from your hand so whatever’s on it goes everywhere, and when she doesn’t want any more she starts to throw things off her high chair tray. As she approached a year, things started to improve a little.

Eats mostly finger foods:
Lots of fruit – strawberries, kiwi, peaches, nectarines, grapes, blueberries are all favourites. Not a fan of bananas.
A few veggies – loves peas and corn on the cob! Will eat potatoes, beans, carrots and broccoli, but definitely aren’t favourites. Won’t touch yams or avocado, whereas 6 months ago, those were her favourite foods.
Meat - will eat little pieces of meat. Definitely likes chicken, pork and deli meats, but isn’t a fan of ground hamburger.
Grains - will eat a little whole wheat bread with crusts cut off. Has tried tortillas. Loves goldfish crackers (tried just recently). Likes dry Cheerios. Will eat whole wheat pasta (macaroni and spaghetti noodles), but isn’t big on rice.
Milk products - Loves yoghurt! And loved cheese until one day ate too much and got a tummy ache! Likes cream cheese and cottage cheese. Is drinking homo-milk. Took a little while to warm up to it, but now is drinking it warm from the bottle 3x/day.

Loves anything electronic – wants to touch/hold phones, DVD player, TV, camera, TV remote
Has an activity table that she will stand at and push buttons (makes noises and music). She’ll often dance to the music it makes.
Has a couple toy phones that she will hold to her hear and say “Hello”. She holds most things (including the TV remote) and will say “Hello”!
Loves books, especially ones with animals (dogs and cats). Will sit on our lap in the evening and just flip the pages looking at the animals.
Was given a doll for her birthday and immediately hugged it and put its bottle to its mouth.
Was given a Winnie the Poo car that she can sit on, walk with and make sounds with – loves it! Will dance to the music it plays and loves when mom and dad push her around the house on it.
Has a mail-box walker that she’ll walk with, try to climb in, and will put the letter in and out of.
Has a soft pink Winnie the Poo stuffed animal that she sleeps with. She cuddles with it in bed, hugs it, holds it and squishes her face into it.
Has a Fisher Price drum that she beats and it plays music.
She also has a Lily doll that sings and counts. She loves to turn her on and off and dance to the music.
Glo-worm hangs out in the crab and sings lullabys. She’ll sit and play with him at night – big smile on her face when he lights up.

Sleeps through the night and has done so from about 12 weeks on – of course she has gone through phases (week here and there) where she’s woken once or twice.

Bedtime is between 7-8PM and she’ll sleep through until 6:30-7:30AM. Often she’ll cry out in the night, usually because she’s in an awkward position (up against the railings) and can’t fix it, or she’s lost her soother or is tangled in the blankets. All we have to do is put her back in the middle of her crib, put her soother back in, cover her up and she goes back to sleep.

Still has 2 naps a day. One about 9 or 10AM and one about 2 or 3PM. She’ll sleep anywhere from 1to 2 ½ hours during her nap.

She definitely seems to need her sleep and there is a very obvious change in her demenor as soon as she gets tired.

She goes to bed or down for a nap with a fuss (almost always no crying), however, sometimes she will play in her crib for up to an hour before going to sleep.

Wearing Daddy's favourite outfit!

Loves eating corn on the cob - probably makes her feel like a big girl and feels good on her teeth!

Bathime.......need we say more?

Standing, but not walking yet.

Fun times with Daddy! So much for Mommy's $2.99 cooler.

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