We didn't go anywhere but our long weekend was filled with a park picinic with my "mom" friends and their families, a trip to Maplewood Farm, and of course a steak and corn on the cob dinner.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
Kelsey - 19 months
It's hard to believe Kelsey is now closer to 2 years old, than she is to 1 year old. At 19 months Kelsey is a very busy, smart, fun little girl - and Jim and I are very proud parents. If she's awake, she never quits moving - walking, running, climbing, dancing, talking, singing, wiggling.....you name it, she's doing it
Some new accomplishments in the recent months include counting to 14, naming of colors (this is thanks to her obssession with coloring and crayons), and she is working on her A, B, Cs. She sings Old McDonald's Farm, Row, row, row your boat, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, and ABC song. She's also a very good "talker". She can point and identifly most things (ie tree, flower, bee, chair, bed, car), and is starting to put together 2-4 word sentences (ie hold it, what's that, there it is, Kelsey's car, more berries).
Some new accomplishments in the recent months include counting to 14, naming of colors (this is thanks to her obssession with coloring and crayons), and she is working on her A, B, Cs. She sings Old McDonald's Farm, Row, row, row your boat, Baa, Baa, Black Sheep, and ABC song. She's also a very good "talker". She can point and identifly most things (ie tree, flower, bee, chair, bed, car), and is starting to put together 2-4 word sentences (ie hold it, what's that, there it is, Kelsey's car, more berries).
Her loves include music, dance, bagpipes, strawberries, coloring, climbing on the kitchen table chairs, Sesame Street and In the Night Garden, running outside, her Grandma, Nana, Papa, Aunty, cousins Hannah and Sophie, Tracy and her Daycare family!
Her dislikes include diaper changes, getting dressed in the morning or before bed, having her hair washed, sitting still, and being told "no".
At 19 months, Kelsey has 12 teeth (8 front teeth and 4 molars) and is working on her canines and eye teeth. Last month when she got her 18 month vaccinations she weighed 25 lbs and mesured 31 inches long. She's wearing 18-24 month clothing and size 5 shoes.
Picking daisys at Stanley Park - April 2009
Family photo at Stanley Park - April 2009
Watching the whales at Stanley Park - April 2009
Playing in Critter Corner - Aquarium - April 2009
Lookin' at the jelly fish - Aquarium - April 2009
Playing with the rock at Colony Farm - April 2009
Colony Farm with the Fam! - April 2009
Hunting for Easter Eggs at the Surrey Nature Centre
Family fun out in Chilliwack - April 2009
Visiting Papa!
Kelsey at One Year Old
I wrote a "Kelsey at one year" document around Kelsey's first birthday to include in her baby book. I wanted to remember what she ate, her favorite toys, how many teeth she had, etc. Everything was changing so fast, and I found I was forgetting things that she did and said even the previous week.
This is what I wrote:
Kelsey at One Year!
22 lbs
28 inches
size 3 shoes
wears 12 month and 12-18 month clothes
hair is strawberry blond
eyes are big and bluish grey.
4 on the bottom, 3 on top with the 4th just pushing through the gums.
Started off as a good eater. Introduced rice cereal at 5 months, solids at 6 months. Ate everything we tried. Things started to get more difficult at 8 months. One day she liked something, the next day she didn’t. If she doesn’t like it she pulls it off her tongue and throws it on the floor, will try to knock the spoon from your hand so whatever’s on it goes everywhere, and when she doesn’t want any more she starts to throw things off her high chair tray. As she approached a year, things started to improve a little.
Eats mostly finger foods:
Lots of fruit – strawberries, kiwi, peaches, nectarines, grapes, blueberries are all favourites. Not a fan of bananas.
A few veggies – loves peas and corn on the cob! Will eat potatoes, beans, carrots and broccoli, but definitely aren’t favourites. Won’t touch yams or avocado, whereas 6 months ago, those were her favourite foods.
Meat - will eat little pieces of meat. Definitely likes chicken, pork and deli meats, but isn’t a fan of ground hamburger.
Grains - will eat a little whole wheat bread with crusts cut off. Has tried tortillas. Loves goldfish crackers (tried just recently). Likes dry Cheerios. Will eat whole wheat pasta (macaroni and spaghetti noodles), but isn’t big on rice.
Milk products - Loves yoghurt! And loved cheese until one day ate too much and got a tummy ache! Likes cream cheese and cottage cheese. Is drinking homo-milk. Took a little while to warm up to it, but now is drinking it warm from the bottle 3x/day.
Loves anything electronic – wants to touch/hold phones, DVD player, TV, camera, TV remote
Has an activity table that she will stand at and push buttons (makes noises and music). She’ll often dance to the music it makes.
Has a couple toy phones that she will hold to her hear and say “Hello”. She holds most things (including the TV remote) and will say “Hello”!
Loves books, especially ones with animals (dogs and cats). Will sit on our lap in the evening and just flip the pages looking at the animals.
Was given a doll for her birthday and immediately hugged it and put its bottle to its mouth.
Was given a Winnie the Poo car that she can sit on, walk with and make sounds with – loves it! Will dance to the music it plays and loves when mom and dad push her around the house on it.
Has a mail-box walker that she’ll walk with, try to climb in, and will put the letter in and out of.
Has a soft pink Winnie the Poo stuffed animal that she sleeps with. She cuddles with it in bed, hugs it, holds it and squishes her face into it.
Has a Fisher Price drum that she beats and it plays music.
She also has a Lily doll that sings and counts. She loves to turn her on and off and dance to the music.
Glo-worm hangs out in the crab and sings lullabys. She’ll sit and play with him at night – big smile on her face when he lights up.
Sleeps through the night and has done so from about 12 weeks on – of course she has gone through phases (week here and there) where she’s woken once or twice.
Bedtime is between 7-8PM and she’ll sleep through until 6:30-7:30AM. Often she’ll cry out in the night, usually because she’s in an awkward position (up against the railings) and can’t fix it, or she’s lost her soother or is tangled in the blankets. All we have to do is put her back in the middle of her crib, put her soother back in, cover her up and she goes back to sleep.
Still has 2 naps a day. One about 9 or 10AM and one about 2 or 3PM. She’ll sleep anywhere from 1to 2 ½ hours during her nap.
She definitely seems to need her sleep and there is a very obvious change in her demenor as soon as she gets tired.
She goes to bed or down for a nap with a fuss (almost always no crying), however, sometimes she will play in her crib for up to an hour before going to sleep.
This is what I wrote:
Kelsey at One Year!
22 lbs
28 inches
size 3 shoes
wears 12 month and 12-18 month clothes
hair is strawberry blond
eyes are big and bluish grey.
4 on the bottom, 3 on top with the 4th just pushing through the gums.
Started off as a good eater. Introduced rice cereal at 5 months, solids at 6 months. Ate everything we tried. Things started to get more difficult at 8 months. One day she liked something, the next day she didn’t. If she doesn’t like it she pulls it off her tongue and throws it on the floor, will try to knock the spoon from your hand so whatever’s on it goes everywhere, and when she doesn’t want any more she starts to throw things off her high chair tray. As she approached a year, things started to improve a little.
Eats mostly finger foods:
Lots of fruit – strawberries, kiwi, peaches, nectarines, grapes, blueberries are all favourites. Not a fan of bananas.
A few veggies – loves peas and corn on the cob! Will eat potatoes, beans, carrots and broccoli, but definitely aren’t favourites. Won’t touch yams or avocado, whereas 6 months ago, those were her favourite foods.
Meat - will eat little pieces of meat. Definitely likes chicken, pork and deli meats, but isn’t a fan of ground hamburger.
Grains - will eat a little whole wheat bread with crusts cut off. Has tried tortillas. Loves goldfish crackers (tried just recently). Likes dry Cheerios. Will eat whole wheat pasta (macaroni and spaghetti noodles), but isn’t big on rice.
Milk products - Loves yoghurt! And loved cheese until one day ate too much and got a tummy ache! Likes cream cheese and cottage cheese. Is drinking homo-milk. Took a little while to warm up to it, but now is drinking it warm from the bottle 3x/day.
Loves anything electronic – wants to touch/hold phones, DVD player, TV, camera, TV remote
Has an activity table that she will stand at and push buttons (makes noises and music). She’ll often dance to the music it makes.
Has a couple toy phones that she will hold to her hear and say “Hello”. She holds most things (including the TV remote) and will say “Hello”!
Loves books, especially ones with animals (dogs and cats). Will sit on our lap in the evening and just flip the pages looking at the animals.
Was given a doll for her birthday and immediately hugged it and put its bottle to its mouth.
Was given a Winnie the Poo car that she can sit on, walk with and make sounds with – loves it! Will dance to the music it plays and loves when mom and dad push her around the house on it.
Has a mail-box walker that she’ll walk with, try to climb in, and will put the letter in and out of.
Has a soft pink Winnie the Poo stuffed animal that she sleeps with. She cuddles with it in bed, hugs it, holds it and squishes her face into it.
Has a Fisher Price drum that she beats and it plays music.
She also has a Lily doll that sings and counts. She loves to turn her on and off and dance to the music.
Glo-worm hangs out in the crab and sings lullabys. She’ll sit and play with him at night – big smile on her face when he lights up.
Sleeps through the night and has done so from about 12 weeks on – of course she has gone through phases (week here and there) where she’s woken once or twice.
Bedtime is between 7-8PM and she’ll sleep through until 6:30-7:30AM. Often she’ll cry out in the night, usually because she’s in an awkward position (up against the railings) and can’t fix it, or she’s lost her soother or is tangled in the blankets. All we have to do is put her back in the middle of her crib, put her soother back in, cover her up and she goes back to sleep.
Still has 2 naps a day. One about 9 or 10AM and one about 2 or 3PM. She’ll sleep anywhere from 1to 2 ½ hours during her nap.
She definitely seems to need her sleep and there is a very obvious change in her demenor as soon as she gets tired.
She goes to bed or down for a nap with a fuss (almost always no crying), however, sometimes she will play in her crib for up to an hour before going to sleep.
Welcome Kelsey Shea (birth to 6 mo)
I thought it would be a nice idea to go back to the beginning of Kelsey's life with this blog - this first posting includes entries from my Babies on Line page.
Welcome Kelsey Shea Cressey!
October 1st, 2007
October 1st, 2007
3:11 AM - Kelsey Shea Cressey was born weighing 8 lbs 11 oz and measuring 20 oz. Doctor is surprised she weighed so much.
We were at the hospital until dinner time on Wednesday, Oct 3rd. Everyone at SMH was wonderful to us. We had lots of visitors and had a chance to get aquainted with our new bundle of joy. I was very lucky in that I recovered quite quickly from my operation (not to say that it wasn't painful, but I tried to be brave). Our only hick-up was my milk didn't come in immediately. By the third day kelsey was getting quite hungry and didn't hesitate to let us know. After an entire night of screaming we called a nurse in to help us. We gave her a little formula and off to sleep she went. We chose to suppliment her with formula until my milk came in (making her a happier camper) which finally happened 5.5 days after she was born.
And that's the beginning of Kelsey's Story! To be continued.
And that's the beginning of Kelsey's Story! To be continued.
Friday, November 02, 2007
One month old already!
Although the time has flown by, it feels like life has always been this way. I love being a mom and feel truely blessed with our beautiful, healthy baby.
Bringing her home into our "old" life was a little weird for me. I didn't quite know what to do with myself. But after a couple days we fell into routine (if you can call it that). The Health Nurse came to help with breast feeding (thank goodness for this service) and Kelsey quickly started gaining weight. She slept most of the time during the first week or two. We had to wake her up to feed and then had trouble keeping her awake while she was feeding. She's sleeping in a bassenette in her own room and this seems to be working for us, although on her first night home was hard for me to leave her in her room alone. Jim took a week off work and was very helpful and hands-on. I think it was a bit weird and sad for him when he had to leave us to go back to work. Like good parents we examined and recorded every poop and pee to make sure all was functioning properly. We each got peed on and learned fast to have the new diaper ready to go before the old one was removed.
By her third week (or so) Kelsey was starting to have more awake time - 1-3 hours about 2-3 times a day. During these times she was alert, looking at mom and dad, sticking out her tongue and rooting around for anything she could suck on. She was good at night (and continues to be) waking up every 2-4 hours for a bite to eat. Our usual pattern is up at 1:30, 4 and 7AM. If I go to bed at 11 PM and stay there until 10 AM, I can manage to get 8 hours sleep in between feedings! During the night she isn't crying, she just wants to eat which is sometimes followed by awake time. Jim has gone back to school for 6 weeks and must get up early to get out to Chilliwack on time. We're so grateful she isn't a crier and Jim is able to get some sleep so he can funtion and learn at school.
At one month (or 4 weeks) she is very alert, but still sleeping a lot of the time although her awake times are longer and more frequent. She's still not a crier (knock on wood) and it's a pleasure to be around her when she's awake.
She weighs almost 11 lbs now and still has a fair amount of dark hair. We think she might be starting to smile. We have seen hints of a smile when she's looking at us and we're talking to her. Her sleep patterns are still the same, although in the last 4 nights she's only been up twice (4 AMish and 7 AMish). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the beginning of sleeping through (or almost through) the night.
Jim and I are pretty proud parents and think our daughter is the most wonderful thing in the world! We can only wait for what comes next while at the same time wanting to cherish what's happening now. Our friends and family have been wonderful - supporting us, showering us with gifts, and offering advise and expertise. We are very lucky parents. Thank you to everyone!!
One month old already!
Although the time has flown by, it feels like life has always been this way. I love being a mom and feel truely blessed with our beautiful, healthy baby.
Bringing her home into our "old" life was a little weird for me. I didn't quite know what to do with myself. But after a couple days we fell into routine (if you can call it that). The Health Nurse came to help with breast feeding (thank goodness for this service) and Kelsey quickly started gaining weight. She slept most of the time during the first week or two. We had to wake her up to feed and then had trouble keeping her awake while she was feeding. She's sleeping in a bassenette in her own room and this seems to be working for us, although on her first night home was hard for me to leave her in her room alone. Jim took a week off work and was very helpful and hands-on. I think it was a bit weird and sad for him when he had to leave us to go back to work. Like good parents we examined and recorded every poop and pee to make sure all was functioning properly. We each got peed on and learned fast to have the new diaper ready to go before the old one was removed.
By her third week (or so) Kelsey was starting to have more awake time - 1-3 hours about 2-3 times a day. During these times she was alert, looking at mom and dad, sticking out her tongue and rooting around for anything she could suck on. She was good at night (and continues to be) waking up every 2-4 hours for a bite to eat. Our usual pattern is up at 1:30, 4 and 7AM. If I go to bed at 11 PM and stay there until 10 AM, I can manage to get 8 hours sleep in between feedings! During the night she isn't crying, she just wants to eat which is sometimes followed by awake time. Jim has gone back to school for 6 weeks and must get up early to get out to Chilliwack on time. We're so grateful she isn't a crier and Jim is able to get some sleep so he can funtion and learn at school.
At one month (or 4 weeks) she is very alert, but still sleeping a lot of the time although her awake times are longer and more frequent. She's still not a crier (knock on wood) and it's a pleasure to be around her when she's awake.
She weighs almost 11 lbs now and still has a fair amount of dark hair. We think she might be starting to smile. We have seen hints of a smile when she's looking at us and we're talking to her. Her sleep patterns are still the same, although in the last 4 nights she's only been up twice (4 AMish and 7 AMish). I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the beginning of sleeping through (or almost through) the night.
Jim and I are pretty proud parents and think our daughter is the most wonderful thing in the world! We can only wait for what comes next while at the same time wanting to cherish what's happening now. Our friends and family have been wonderful - supporting us, showering us with gifts, and offering advise and expertise. We are very lucky parents. Thank you to everyone!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Kelsey is 6 1/2 weeks old now. I can't believe how fast the time goes. She now weighs almost 12 lbs (11 lbs 10 oz on Wednesday). Her legs and arms are looking pretty rolly-polly and she might even have a third chin! It's hard to judge how much a breast fed baby eats, but she can take a 4 oz bottle at a sitting no problem and she's still eating every 2-3 hours.
She's vocalizing now, including a loud, curt "Eyyye" when she really wants to get your attention and she's able to focus on and follow objects with her eyes. Jim put together her crib mobile the other day and she's quite content to lay in her crib and watch for several cycles. Speaking of cribs, she's not sleeping in hers yet, but we might try to move her over soon; however, I figure why rush it, she still fits her bassinette and seems confortable in there.
Sleep patterns are non-existant except she still wakes 1-2 times a night; however we've had about 6 nights this month where she's slept 5-6 hours at a stretch - usually it's 3-4 hours. Last night was one of those magical nights - she slept from 11pm-6am. I woke this morning before she did and couldn't believe the time! I layed there for a couple minutes wondering if I should go check on her (new mom thinks the worst!) and then right on cue she started to cry.
We had our first family photos taken at Sears last night. Of course I was really worried that she would cry through the whole session and we wouldn't get any good pictures, and when we first took her out of her stroller, cry is what she did. But I gave her some "booby" and she was quiet for the rest time. What a good girl! We got some pretty nice pictures and like a proud momma I keep looking at the proofs thinking what a good looking family we are!! I know we are extremely blessed.
I think those are all the updates for now. I'll keep trying to write every week or so!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Kelsey is 6 1/2 weeks old now. I can't believe how fast the time goes. She now weighs almost 12 lbs (11 lbs 10 oz on Wednesday). Her legs and arms are looking pretty rolly-polly and she might even have a third chin! It's hard to judge how much a breast fed baby eats, but she can take a 4 oz bottle at a sitting no problem and she's still eating every 2-3 hours.
She's vocalizing now, including a loud, curt "Eyyye" when she really wants to get your attention and she's able to focus on and follow objects with her eyes. Jim put together her crib mobile the other day and she's quite content to lay in her crib and watch for several cycles. Speaking of cribs, she's not sleeping in hers yet, but we might try to move her over soon; however, I figure why rush it, she still fits her bassinette and seems confortable in there.
Sleep patterns are non-existant except she still wakes 1-2 times a night; however we've had about 6 nights this month where she's slept 5-6 hours at a stretch - usually it's 3-4 hours. Last night was one of those magical nights - she slept from 11pm-6am. I woke this morning before she did and couldn't believe the time! I layed there for a couple minutes wondering if I should go check on her (new mom thinks the worst!) and then right on cue she started to cry.
We had our first family photos taken at Sears last night. Of course I was really worried that she would cry through the whole session and we wouldn't get any good pictures, and when we first took her out of her stroller, cry is what she did. But I gave her some "booby" and she was quiet for the rest time. What a good girl! We got some pretty nice pictures and like a proud momma I keep looking at the proofs thinking what a good looking family we are!! I know we are extremely blessed.
I think those are all the updates for now. I'll keep trying to write every week or so!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Wow! How time flies, it's been over a month since I've updated our page.
Kelsey was 3 months old yesterday. She now weighs just over 14 lbs. Just before sitting down to write this I was packing away her 3 month sleepers and folding the newly washed 6 month sleepers. This is a little sad. I no longer have a newborn, she's now a baby.
She's still a wonderful baby. Making all sorts of sounds, smiling and starting to giggle when she gets really excited. She's constantly moving her arms and legs, but isn't rolling or holding objects, although we think it'll just be a matter of time. She's also always got her hands in her mouth and when you go to hold her she rubs her slobber all over you! She started sleeping through the night about the beginning of December - the same time that we moved her from her bassinet into her crib. She usually goes to bed about 10:30PM and sleeps through to 8ish. We're pretty lucky, although I've been told that this sometimes ends at about 4 months.
We all had a good Christmas. Santa brought her a Baby Einsten play gym. There's lots her to look at and grab when she's ready. She also got some clothes, the Beatrix Potter (Peter Rabbit) collection, opal (her birthstone)earrings and a necklace, a pair of gold sleeper earings, some toys, a Leap Frog LeapPad.....Needless to say, she was spoiled. Holiday visiting was a little challenging with her. She was quite fussy with all the noise and touching - this was hard for me, but we got through it. JIm and I went out for New Years and Grandma stayed home to babysit. We had a great time, but Kelsey decided to keep Grandma on her toes and that there was no way she was going to take the bottle. Grandma came through with flying colors, but she didn't get the relaxing evening she had in mind (she arrived with a movie and housecoat!)
I've become a major fan of Craig's LIst - this is the perfect venue for finding "gently" used baby stuff at a fraction of the cost. I've found Robeez, the Baby Einstein play mat (maybe used a dozen times), and an Ocean Aquarium bouncy chair. What a great resource!
Lastly, her favortite things continue to be her swing, her Rainforest mobile and now she really enjoys her bouncy chair. We tried her in the Jolly Jumper the other day, motivated by Colin's hillarious performance last weekend, but her neck isn't quite strong enough. We'll try again in a couple weeks. And about the same time she's ready for the Jolly Jumper, she may also be ready for her Exersocer. Our house is tiny, I don't know where all this stuff is going to go!
We're excited for the upcoming month...rolling, more giggles, holding things. We'll keep you posted!
Kelsey was 3 months old yesterday. She now weighs just over 14 lbs. Just before sitting down to write this I was packing away her 3 month sleepers and folding the newly washed 6 month sleepers. This is a little sad. I no longer have a newborn, she's now a baby.
She's still a wonderful baby. Making all sorts of sounds, smiling and starting to giggle when she gets really excited. She's constantly moving her arms and legs, but isn't rolling or holding objects, although we think it'll just be a matter of time. She's also always got her hands in her mouth and when you go to hold her she rubs her slobber all over you! She started sleeping through the night about the beginning of December - the same time that we moved her from her bassinet into her crib. She usually goes to bed about 10:30PM and sleeps through to 8ish. We're pretty lucky, although I've been told that this sometimes ends at about 4 months.
We all had a good Christmas. Santa brought her a Baby Einsten play gym. There's lots her to look at and grab when she's ready. She also got some clothes, the Beatrix Potter (Peter Rabbit) collection, opal (her birthstone)earrings and a necklace, a pair of gold sleeper earings, some toys, a Leap Frog LeapPad.....Needless to say, she was spoiled. Holiday visiting was a little challenging with her. She was quite fussy with all the noise and touching - this was hard for me, but we got through it. JIm and I went out for New Years and Grandma stayed home to babysit. We had a great time, but Kelsey decided to keep Grandma on her toes and that there was no way she was going to take the bottle. Grandma came through with flying colors, but she didn't get the relaxing evening she had in mind (she arrived with a movie and housecoat!)
I've become a major fan of Craig's LIst - this is the perfect venue for finding "gently" used baby stuff at a fraction of the cost. I've found Robeez, the Baby Einstein play mat (maybe used a dozen times), and an Ocean Aquarium bouncy chair. What a great resource!
Lastly, her favortite things continue to be her swing, her Rainforest mobile and now she really enjoys her bouncy chair. We tried her in the Jolly Jumper the other day, motivated by Colin's hillarious performance last weekend, but her neck isn't quite strong enough. We'll try again in a couple weeks. And about the same time she's ready for the Jolly Jumper, she may also be ready for her Exersocer. Our house is tiny, I don't know where all this stuff is going to go!
We're excited for the upcoming month...rolling, more giggles, holding things. We'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Kelsey is 5 months old now and we are enjoying her more than we ever thought we could. She's still Jim's "mini-me" with large blue eyes, no eye brows, red-brown-blonde hair and a wide toothless grin!
In the last 2 months she started reaching and grabbing for toys, has rolled over (both ways), can push her chest off the ground when she's on her tummy and has become very vocal (sometimes it sounds like we've got a pet baby dinasaur in the livingroom). She still loves her swing and bouncy chair, but is now also content with rolling around on the ground and shaking her toys. She's spent time in her Jolly Jumper and is getting the hang of it, but isn't a crazy jumper quite yet.
In the last week, she's started eating rice cereal mixed with breast milk. She opens her mouth for the spoon and swallows most of what goes in. It's not as messy as I thought and she took to it faster than I thought she would. It's a nice time because I sit and eat my cereal with her. Jim's been off work this week so he's been joining our little breakfast parties!
She's also changed her vocabular from Aaahhhhhs and Ooooohhs, to da, da, da, da, da (usually with a mouth fully of fingers). She giggles when you go "boooo!" or pretend to sneeze, and laughs when you tickle under her chin!
And she has recogized we have a cat. Kelsey's eyes go to her as soon as KC comes in the room. This morning KC was tearing all over the place and Kelsey thought it was the more facinating thing!
Her legs and arms are going non-stop and she likes to stand up and hang upside down with your support! She's also sitting unsupported for several seconds at a time. Diaper changes are becoming increasing more difficult as the leg-flailing intensifies, only to get worse in the future (or so I'm told) when it's combined with spontaneous rolling!
She is still sleeping through the night. Going to bed between 9-9:30PM and waking up between 7-8AM. She usually has 2 or 3 45 minute - 1 1/2 hour naps per day. We have definately been lucky in the sleep department. I expect this will change when she starts to get teeth. Sniff, sniff!
Life has become so exciting and we are so lucky to have such a wonderful little girl! I need to keep reminding myself to "Stop and smell the roses". I catch myself saying "I can't wait until she does this", then have to remind myself to live in the moment. So much time has passed already, I need to learn to charish them as they happen instead of living for the future!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Just about 6 months already and just about every day brings something new! Kelsey's legs, although still pudgy, are getting stronger allowing her to jump in her jolly jumper and stand for long periods of time. She's sitting almost on her own for several minutes at a time. She enjoys sitting on her blanket and digging through her toy basket tossing toys she has no interest in. She's also getting really good at handling toys, picking them up and moving them from hand to hand.
Drooling is non-stop and putting everything in her mouth is endless. I guess she could cut a tooth at any time, but I have a feeling she'll be a late teether. She's been eating cereal for the last month and has become a really good eater. She's up to about 2 tbsp a day, in addition to her breast milk. We're going to try solids on the weekend. I have been pureeing fool over the last week. We have carrots, sweet potatoes, banana, turkey, pears and apple sauce. I think we might try sweet potatoes first. She's very interested and doesn't appear to have any food allergies so I think inroducing solids will go just fine.
She is a happy, content, lovable little girl. Jim and I are truely blessed! Most days she's all smiles, giggles, babbles and wordless songs. Don't get me wrong, there is whining and crying, but the smiles far out number the cries.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I guess the newest thing to talk about is that Kelsey is eating food! The first food she had was sweet potatoes and liked them. Then squash, and surprisingly liked it (I tried it and it was pretty gross). Then apple sauce, which she didn't like. I think it was too sour. But now she's eating it mixed with cereal and she seems to like it that way. I tried peas next and they weren't much of a hit either, but she'll eat them mixed with sweet potatoes so that works. And finally, I tried bananas yesterday and she just sucked those back (like her dad!). So, we're having fun. And she's pretty good at eating. Although she's learned how to blow raspberries in the last week and sometimes she decides to do that with sweet potatoes or peas in her mouth - all over mommy!
She's also getting quite mobile. Steam-rolling around the living room and trying to pull herself up. She's also sitting completely unsupported now, however she likes to throw herself backwards. She's gotten used to a pillow being behind her at home, and when we're out there's no pillow. So, if mom isn't paying attention, there's usually a head bonk followed by crying. I guess she has to learn some way.
Kelsey is 5 months old now and we are enjoying her more than we ever thought we could. She's still Jim's "mini-me" with large blue eyes, no eye brows, red-brown-blonde hair and a wide toothless grin!
In the last 2 months she started reaching and grabbing for toys, has rolled over (both ways), can push her chest off the ground when she's on her tummy and has become very vocal (sometimes it sounds like we've got a pet baby dinasaur in the livingroom). She still loves her swing and bouncy chair, but is now also content with rolling around on the ground and shaking her toys. She's spent time in her Jolly Jumper and is getting the hang of it, but isn't a crazy jumper quite yet.
In the last week, she's started eating rice cereal mixed with breast milk. She opens her mouth for the spoon and swallows most of what goes in. It's not as messy as I thought and she took to it faster than I thought she would. It's a nice time because I sit and eat my cereal with her. Jim's been off work this week so he's been joining our little breakfast parties!
She's also changed her vocabular from Aaahhhhhs and Ooooohhs, to da, da, da, da, da (usually with a mouth fully of fingers). She giggles when you go "boooo!" or pretend to sneeze, and laughs when you tickle under her chin!
And she has recogized we have a cat. Kelsey's eyes go to her as soon as KC comes in the room. This morning KC was tearing all over the place and Kelsey thought it was the more facinating thing!
Her legs and arms are going non-stop and she likes to stand up and hang upside down with your support! She's also sitting unsupported for several seconds at a time. Diaper changes are becoming increasing more difficult as the leg-flailing intensifies, only to get worse in the future (or so I'm told) when it's combined with spontaneous rolling!
She is still sleeping through the night. Going to bed between 9-9:30PM and waking up between 7-8AM. She usually has 2 or 3 45 minute - 1 1/2 hour naps per day. We have definately been lucky in the sleep department. I expect this will change when she starts to get teeth. Sniff, sniff!
Life has become so exciting and we are so lucky to have such a wonderful little girl! I need to keep reminding myself to "Stop and smell the roses". I catch myself saying "I can't wait until she does this", then have to remind myself to live in the moment. So much time has passed already, I need to learn to charish them as they happen instead of living for the future!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Just about 6 months already and just about every day brings something new! Kelsey's legs, although still pudgy, are getting stronger allowing her to jump in her jolly jumper and stand for long periods of time. She's sitting almost on her own for several minutes at a time. She enjoys sitting on her blanket and digging through her toy basket tossing toys she has no interest in. She's also getting really good at handling toys, picking them up and moving them from hand to hand.
Drooling is non-stop and putting everything in her mouth is endless. I guess she could cut a tooth at any time, but I have a feeling she'll be a late teether. She's been eating cereal for the last month and has become a really good eater. She's up to about 2 tbsp a day, in addition to her breast milk. We're going to try solids on the weekend. I have been pureeing fool over the last week. We have carrots, sweet potatoes, banana, turkey, pears and apple sauce. I think we might try sweet potatoes first. She's very interested and doesn't appear to have any food allergies so I think inroducing solids will go just fine.
She is a happy, content, lovable little girl. Jim and I are truely blessed! Most days she's all smiles, giggles, babbles and wordless songs. Don't get me wrong, there is whining and crying, but the smiles far out number the cries.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I guess the newest thing to talk about is that Kelsey is eating food! The first food she had was sweet potatoes and liked them. Then squash, and surprisingly liked it (I tried it and it was pretty gross). Then apple sauce, which she didn't like. I think it was too sour. But now she's eating it mixed with cereal and she seems to like it that way. I tried peas next and they weren't much of a hit either, but she'll eat them mixed with sweet potatoes so that works. And finally, I tried bananas yesterday and she just sucked those back (like her dad!). So, we're having fun. And she's pretty good at eating. Although she's learned how to blow raspberries in the last week and sometimes she decides to do that with sweet potatoes or peas in her mouth - all over mommy!
She's also getting quite mobile. Steam-rolling around the living room and trying to pull herself up. She's also sitting completely unsupported now, however she likes to throw herself backwards. She's gotten used to a pillow being behind her at home, and when we're out there's no pillow. So, if mom isn't paying attention, there's usually a head bonk followed by crying. I guess she has to learn some way.
My mom and I took her to Queen Elizabeth Park and to the Conservatory the other day. She loved looking at all the plants, flowers and birds; however, there was a large orange parrot there named Charlie who wasn't too fond of kids (I'm sure he's been tormented). When he noticed Kelsey he started squawking , scared Kelsey who started to cry, and we had to move. But it was a great, spring-like day. It makes me excited for all we're going to get to do come summer!
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