Tuesday, February 16, 2010

25 weeks

Well, time's flying. Getting bigger and bigger, and already uncomfortable - not that I'm complaining. Being pregnant and chasing a toddler is harder than being pregnant and getting to come home and lay on the couch like the first time around. But, all in all, things are going well and I'm lucky to have an uncomplicated pregnancy. Baby is moving around all the time. It's probably most active in the evening after Kelsey goes to bed. I feel like it's a lot more active than Kelsey ever was, but maybe I just can't remember. Baby had a heart rate of 140-150 again during my last doctor visit. I gained another 3 lbs or so. So, I think I've gained about 12 pounds now (but it certainly feels like 50 lbs, especially going up and down the stairs). We'll know if I'm going to get gestational diabetes by my next doctor's visit at the beginning of March. Still no incling about whether it's a girl or a boy and we're not getting anywhere coming up with some names. At this rate, it'll be Baby Cressey until it's 4!

25 weeks - Feb 13, 2010