Monday, January 25, 2010

Robbie Burns at Dennis & Kyla's House

Dennis and Kyla invited Jim, Kelsey, me, Stuart, Vanessa and Neirin over for Robbie Burns dinner - Roast beef, potatoes, haggis, yorkshires - you name it, we ate it. Afterwards, Stu brought out the pipes and the kids (and me) danced, then Jim and Dennis joined in with their guitars. It was a really fun evening! Thanks Dennis and Kyla - I know it was a lot of work.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

21 weeks

Our last doctors appointment brought some good news...the triple screen test was indeed negative and our ultrasound looked perfect. So, now we can really get excited and start planning for our new Cressey. At 21 weeks, I've gained about 9 lbs and baby's heart rate is still 140. I already look like a house, and am starting to feel slightly uncomfortable - no more stomach sleeping and bending over is a little more difficult that it used to be.

We have opted for a C-section again this time around. I know the recovery will be hard with a toddler and a new baby, but I am lucky to have my mom who will be there with me until I no longer need her. Dr. Jackson said she will schedule us an appointment to meet with the surgon next month.

Me at 21 1/2 weeks

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

from 3 to 4...

Yup, we’re pregnant with #2! We found out in mid-September and we’re due on May 25th, 2010. I felt pretty awful during the early pregnancy. Very awful from about 6-12 weeks – food smelled gross, so tired, no energy. Fun times. But like last time, it passed. I noticed a huge difference between 12-13 weeks.

Dr. Jackson scheduled an ultra sound at 10 ½ weeks to check on early development. To our relief, all was well. We were able to see a little peanut with a beating hear, a big head, and arm and leg buds.

At my 12 week check up Dr. Jackson was unable to detect a heart beat with the Doplar (probably due to the extra layer of “insulation” I’ve grown since my pregnancy with Kelsey), so the alarm bells went off. She tested by hormone levels immediately (which were fine) and got me in for an ultra sound the very next day. We were relieved to see a tiny baby with a heart beat, arms & legs and already looking like a little baby by this point. It was amazing to see the developmental differences between 10 1/2 and 13 weeks. My body had been busy – and it showed even without an ultra sound. I had already grown out of my everyday pants and needed to go shopping for some maternity pants. I had read that women show faster in the second pregnancy. This was certainly true for me.

At 15 ½ weeks, I saw Dr. Jackson again. This time she was able to detect a heartbeat with the Doplar. It was between 140 and 150. I had also gained 1 kg since my last appointment (oops). Being the awesome doctor that she is, Dr. Jackson also used the Doplar on Kelsey. Kelsey was just amazed and loved hearing her own heart! We opted to have the triple screen test done (tests for genetic defects) once again. This time, it consisted of 2 blood tests – one between 10-13 weeks, and one between 15-19 weeks. I guess they’re making improvements in this field all the time. I’m assuming they came back negative as I haven’t been called into the office. Yaa!

I have been feeling baby move since about 18 weeks. Again it felt like small gas bubbles mixed with little pokes. I have grown considerably! I’ve grown out of all my clothes now, and have had to purchase all new maternity clothes. The clothes I saved from my last pregnancy are all summer clothes which doesn’t do me any good in the middle of winter.

At just about 20 weeks (Jan 6th – 19+6 weeks) I had my diagnostic ultra sound. We have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. Jim would like it to be a surprise, I’d like to know. But since we found out with Kelsey, we’re opting for the surprise with this baby. Our ultra sound tech was fast and efficient. Baby is measuring exactly where it should be – about 6 inches from crown to rump and weighs approximately 13 oz. It’s heartbeat was between 140-150 again. The baby was moving around like crazy. Although I can feel it move now, I certainly can’t feel all it’s movements. It’s crazy to see all the flips and turns it’s constantly doing. We got a nice picture of the baby, but the tech printed it on Xray paper?

Yesterday was another I was sitting at my computer at work, looked down and could see my stomach moving as the baby moved. Again, everything seems to be happening so much earlier in this pregnancy! I had to smile. It's pretty amazing what the human body can do and what it can stand.