Thursday, April 7, 2011
Kelsey at 3 1/2 years old
How time flies! Kelsey continues to amaze us and keep us on our toes every day! Here's a glimpse into her life at 3 and a half years...
She weighs 36-37 lbs and is 38 inches tall. She has twenty teeth, wears a size 8-9 shoe, and is just growing out of her 3T clothes. She is one smart cookie. She can sing many many songs and loves to sing. She has started to make up her own songs and likes to sing at the top of her lungs. She can recognize all her letters, is getting to know their sounds and is starting to put them together to spell small words. She can count to twenty and is working on thirty! She knows where she lives (city, province, country), she know's the first part of her phone number and her birthday. She struggles with the days of the week or anything "time" related for that matter. She is very theatrical! She acts out movies, puts her heart and soul into singing, dances and prances about. She also wants to wear nothing but dresses and loves to play dress up. She also loves make-up - nail polish and lipstick especially- and she wants to put it on herself. She is able to color a picture inside the lines and is starting to draw pictures by herself. She can draw sunshine, rainbow, faces. This week she drew Rapunzel's tower with her hair flowing down it. It was really quite good. She loves to paint and glue. She also likes to cut with scissors, but she doesn't hold them right and isn't very good at it yet. Although she is good at recognizing letters, she's not good at writing them and can't hold a pencil properly. But no rush, it'll come in time. She's an okay eater. She would prefer to graze all day and gets discouraged by large meals. She loves frozen blueberries, yogurt tubes, home-made mac and cheese, spaghetti, and cheese sticks. She likes apple juice and chocolate milk (as a treat), and a little sparkling juice at Grandma's house. She likes all goodies -chocolate, cup cakes (well, the icing), cookies, ice-cream. She's not a huge fan of chewy things or candies. She stopped napping just before her third birthday. She goes to bed at 7:30Pm following a show and 2 stories. She sleeps about 12 hours. She is completely day time potty trained. We're working on getting her to use the bathroom without us being there and on night time training. We've had to take away her evening cup of milk and we're getting closer but she still doesn't wake up to go. Favorites: TV show: Max and Ruby, Caillou Movie: Tangled, Barbie and 12 Dancing Princesses, anything "Princess" Toy: Princess polypockets, dress up clothes, play-doh Clothes: dresses Color: pink, then blue Books: Princess stories, Max and Ruby (from the library) Overall, Kelsey is a great kid and we're extremely lucky!!
Kelsey the mermaid
Kelsey started swimming lessonsat Surrey Sport and Leisure Centre in March. She loves the water and with the pool in our complex we thought it was a good idea. She's in a class with 2 other little girls and has the most fabulous, patient teacher. Kelsey loves him and he's great with the girls. They're learning to blow bubbles and put their faces in the water, to float on their backs and fronts, and they play all sorts of games and sing songs.
On the move...
March was a month of movement at our house. Everly is mobile and nothing (or no one) is safe! She's a crawling, kneeling, standing machine! Go girl!
Friday, January 28, 2011
It's been a while...

So, life is much busier with two kids than it was with one. I can't seem to find time for a shower never mind keeping this blog up to date...
Kelsey is as "spirited" as ever. She argues with everything we say, and we won't even talk about her listening skills, but wow, is she smart. She's recognizing all her letters now (out of sequence) and knows the sounds they make, she's able to see patterns and loves playing the rhyming game. She loves to do things to "get our attention" (like she doesn't have it 99% of the time as it is). At the dinner table she puts her feet on the table, we naturally say "Kelsey don't put your feet on the table" and continue with dinner. Then she does is again, one more time we say, "Kelsey take your feet of the table or you'll have a time out." She says, "they're not on the table, they're on my hand that's on the table." - Can't argue with that. She's very active and loves to dance, sing and act. She also loves Princesses. She watches TV (mostly Princess movies) and as she's watching, she's acting out the movie (as it's playing) with her dolls, Barbies or Princess polypockets. She's very theatrical.
Everly is 8 months and doing all the things fun babies should do. We're trying new foods every couple of days and watching her explore eating with her fingers. She loves Cheerios and will eat them by the handful! We're finding Cheerios stuck to everything in the house. She's also a steamroller, covering the entire living room in a matter of a few minutes. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks, sometimes pushing forward. But no official crawling yet. She's also so close to pushing up to a sitting position from laying on the floor, but is not quite there. She's very vocal and loves watching Kelsey dance and sing (any kids!). She still only has 2 teeth with no signs of any new ones.
Life is busy in our little house...but we're truely blessed!
Kelsey's First Pas De Basque
Here's Kelsey's first attempt at Highland Dance. We joined Kasey and Dillon at their school for a Robbie Burns Day performace. Alan Walters is the piper. I am one proud mama!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Kelsey's 3rd Birthday
Kelsey celebrated what some would call a Birthday week this year! The party began at preschool on Sept 30. Grandma made cupcakes for her class, and Kelsey got to be the Special Helper and wear a Birthday crown!
Grandma, Kelsey and Nana
Mom and Kelsey
On her actual Birthday, she went to her first Ballet class and loved it! Later we had Nana and Grandma over for dinner and MORE cupcakes! Lhesa and the girls came for a quick visit after dinner. Kelsey was totally excited.
Then came the BIG party. We had it at Guildford Recreation Centre. THe Instructors set up the gym for the kids and they got to play, run, jump, sing and dance. After we had lunch and cake. She had a Wiggles themed party because she love them and part of her gift from mom and dad were Wiggles concert tickets.
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